Spring Clean

We are overjoyed that you are excited about volunteering during our camp Spring Clean. The dates for our Camp Spring Clean are  March 30th-April 4th. Whether you're available to spend a day or the full week, we thank you in advance for your willingness and ask that you would fill out the below registration form so that we can prepare for your arrival.


Personal Information

Minors & Small Children

Due to the nature of the work that will be done, we encourage our volunteers not to bring their small children with them. However, we understand that this is not always possible, and we ask that if you need to bring children with you please let us know so we can be aware and accommodate you accordingly.

Ares of Expertise

Please select areas of skill (you can select multiple options)

Dates of Availability

Our Camp Spring Clean will take place from March 30th to April 4th. Please let us know which days you are available to volunteer so we can make the necessary arrangements for accommodations and meals. Please provide your expected arrival date as well as your anticipated departure date.


Please remember that Camp Wagner is a drug/tobacco/weapon free facility. Also there are no pets allowed at Camp Wagner. For the safety of all our guests, we thank you for abiding by our policy. For more details regarding our volunteer process, please visit www.campwagner.com/volunteer

Thank you!

We thank you for your willingness to serve and look forward to seeing you during our camp spring clean! Should you have any questions please feel free to contact our camp director, Clifford Wallace, at 863-669-8618 or via email at cwallace@lrcsda.com